I think when you start any venture there is a moment when you realise, "OMG there is no turning back!". You have left the safety of familiarity and you are heading into the vast sea of the unknown. It can be stressful. My first home renovation was a lot like that, stressful. As soon as I made the first punch through the wall, I was committed. That was the stressful part- commitment. I was committed to getting this project done and I was floating out into unchartered territory. I wasn't exactly sure where to start or what steps to take. This was in the days before internet so there was no DIY video to guide me along. But I talked to friends and neighbours about their experiences in home renovation and what I should do next, and eventually (very slowly) our home was transformed.
The first canoe I tore the canvas off was a vintage 15 ' cedar strip canvas covered Langford canoe. I remember holding the canvas in my arms like the skin of a Bodyworks exhibit. I was frightened because I did not know what to do next. Where to buy canvas, how was I going to mount it? what paint to use? I sold the shell and let someone else deal with the problem.
The second time I tore the canvas off a canoe, I was prepared. I did my research (Google search) and found the step-by-step guide to help me along. It doesn't have to be stressful. Look at the project as little chunks and take it step by step.