I met Bill through his son whom I helped with some repair work last year. Bill has been paddling his Chestnut Canoe for many years. I am not too sure about the year it was built but based on the dimensions (length, beam, depth) I think it was built in the mid to late1960s.
The Project
As you can see, a recanvas will be required but before that, I will need to rebuild the bow and stern ends. I am able to salvage one of the original decks but will need to manufacture a new bow deck. A section of the starboard inwale at the yoke will also need replacing along with a number of rib tips. Outer gunwales will also need replacing.

The break in the inwale has been caused by the thwart attachement and is supported by a splint.
I replaced the rotted section with a new piece of ash.

Rebuilding the bow end required sections of new inwales and a new deck
Repurposing Wood

There are a number of rib tips that will need replacing and some planks. I try to repurpose as much of the original wood as I can.


I am stumped by the scratch marks on the planks once the canvas was removed. the 'scratches' are at a diagonal and perpendicular position between planks. Who or what caused this and why? Is there. a greater purpose here That I am not getting?

Canvas, Gunwales, and Final Steps