Scott's Scott
I don't have a lot of information on this particular canoe. Scott contacted me in August of 2021 to see if I add a little TLC to his Canoe. One of the first Canoes I ever worked on was a Scott so I have a soft spot for this project as it brings back some nice memories.

Starting Point
I can see that there have been some modifications to the original canoe. I think the original thwart and yoke would have been aluminum and replaced with wood some time ago. The wood replacements are attached using modified hangers riveted into the gunwales (see image). The wood components (yoke, handles, thwart) would need replacing but after looking them over, I couldn't see any major rot or deterioration so I sanded the component parts and revarnished them.

The Hull
Looking at the hull, I can see this canoe has been on many adventures- I feel a bit jealous as if I was missing out. However, I find myself lost in thought as I imagine the rivers and shoots this canoe and its companions have been through.
I will start with cleaning and repairing the gauges and then sanding out the major scrapes along the hull.